Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day 166 - Dec. 17
Listening to: The Power of Love
Thought for today. The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you. -B.B. King.

Twenty-two years ago today I graduated from college. I SWEAR I have a graduation cap on somewhere in that nest of permed hair in the photo!

I completed my degree in 3 ½ years. Two weeks later I got married. Two weeks after that I started working at DuPont…………here I am today……….educated, not married, and still working at DuPont. There are a lot of regrets in the words written in this paragraph, but with those regrets come some caveats……caviar caveats………things that are rare, wonderful, precious……….things that would be impossible without the regrets. I guess the lesson to all of this is don't regret regrets.

If you are in college, DO NOT RUSH GRADUATION! Enjoy your time but go to every single class………..and be grateful big hair is out of style!

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