Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 162 - Dec. 21
Listening to: Everlasting Love
Thought for the day: It's easy to see, hard to foresee. ~Ben Franklin

I have uncovered a horrific truth. Last night, when I opened a gift from a friend, I couldn’t read the writing on the package. An older lady in the group gave me her reading glasses and ………BAM………..just like Jerry Falwell had hit me on the head and declared me healed…………I could SEEEEE. Ugggh. I need reading glasses. It’s like someone flipped a switch. There was no building up to this abomination.

Today I went to check out my eye wear options. By the way, I didn’t intend for this picture to be so blurry, but it’s quite appropriate! Why are reading glasses so butt-ass ugly? Upon seeing them in their butt-ass ugliness, seeing what they cost, and checking out my small print reading skillzzzz in the store, I decided to hold out a little bit longer. Besides, the weather is nice along the river deNile.

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