Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day 174 - Dec. 7
Listening to: Whatever is on TV before Glee
Thought for today: I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity. ~General Dwight D. Eisenhower

Day 2 of being sick……..

Since it is the 69th anniversary of Pearl Harbor I thought I’d throw out some WWII nostalgia. This is the front and back cover of a monthly news magazine published where I work in December 1943. How bout ole’ Santa bustin’ one in Hitler’s butt? I Googled "Santa" and "Osama Bin Laden" and in a twinklin' of an eye a slew of images of Osama dressed as St. Nick did appear............but nothing like this. I imagine none of the Santa Osamas are associated with any corporation either. As corporations have became global they have backed away from political commentary about war and events threatening democracy. It makes me question how much patriotism has been drained from the United States because of global sprawl. My employer still supports the military and those who serve, but it’s done rather quietly and is politically correct.

I love patriotic nostalgia. There are tons of examples of it in my employer's public relation materials from both WWI and WWII.

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