Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 155 - Dec. 28
Listening to: Supertramp – Goodbye Mary, goodbye Jane…..
Thought for today: WOOF!

The Fab Lab blogs

Pearl’s Version:

Woof woof woof slurp grrr woof woof . RAWR woof woof slurp slurp lick woof woof woof woof. Woof woof woof, slirp……………..a;lskdjf;alksdujfpoiqupow;ej

My Version:

I took Pearl to the Vet today for her rabies shot and to have her annual thyroid check. Her rabies shot was due in November…………or so I thought. The vet tech took Pearl to the back, drew her blood, brought her back to me and said, “The vet said if Pearl is doing okay you can wait until June to get her rabies shot along with her other vaccinations due at that time.” I never even saw the vet.


I was a bit puzzled, figured the vet knew more than me, and left. As Pearl and I pulled away from the office, I realized I have to board her in March and that she HAS to have proof of an annual rabies shot. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrr. I turned that car around, went back in the office, and told the receptionist what had happened. A different vet than I was scheduled to see came in to talk to me and give her the rabies shot. With all of this said, I did a bit of research. The rabies law is CONFUSING. If I understand it correctly, Pearl really only needs a booster shot every three years. Pet owners don’t get the truth! It’s deplorable really. I am appalled at the first vet’s lack of explanation to me.

To see the law for yourself:

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