Friday, December 24, 2010

Day 159 - Dec. 24
Listening to: Back In Love Again (LTD)
Thought for today: God bless us EVERYONE!

No, I have not been hired to be the poster child for Tootsie Roll…………although they should really look at my Tootsie Roll consumption resume and consider the possibilities. I asked Santa for Prince Andrew and a Tootsie Roll factory for Christmas. Instead, I received a jar of Tootsie Rolls the size of my head………… ……….always………….always……………ALWAYS ……a good thing. Prince Andrew, on the other hand, will have to wait. Santa let me know that HRH is not ready for my fabulosity yet.

This week has been one of the most enjoyable weeks that I have had in a very long time. Both of my children have been at home and I have been off work. For the first time in my history as a mother there were ZERO sibling wars, both of their grades were good, and it’s been a few months since either has been in trouble. I’m grateful……..honest to God grateful. As the cherry on top of the life cake, for the first time since I divorced some 15 years ago I don’t give a rat’s ass about being alone/single during Christmas. I have actually been overflowing with happiness. Consider yourself warned. The apocalypse may be at hand.

Merry Christmas to my family and friends! I love you all with 100,000% of my being (and that isn’t the wine talking either).

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