Friday, December 10, 2010

Day 174 - Dec. 9
Listening to: Alive & Kickin'
Thought for the day: Sometimes life's Hell. But hey! Whatever gets the marshmallows toasty. ~J. Andrew Helt

I am using a simple photo to illustrate a more complex thought I had today. The complex thought? Bad things often happen for a reason and the outcome can be a positive thing. I have watched this concept play out repeatedly in the past few weeks in my life and the lives of others.

So you ask, “Kris how does your MP3 player illustrate this concept?” I will tell you how. Back in the summer, while I was mowing my yard the back of the MP3 player became dislodged and fell into the path of the unforgiving blades of the mower. Days passed. Months passed. Yet, my backless MP3 player remained a committed companion.

I sometimes think that electronics have a life in years similar to that of a dog. For example, a one-year old MP3 player is actually 10 years old in human years. My MP3 player is six years old, or 60 years in human years. Despite the fact that it is backless and still works, it is acting its age. The buttons don’t work well, so it’s difficult to turn on and off (no I don’t feed it MP3 Viagra). I have started resorting to pulling the battery out to turn it off. Removing the battery would be difficult if the MP3 back had not been a victim of my lawn mower. The backless MP3 player has turned out to be a good thing.

Here’s the clincher. I’m typically not a glass half full person……….especially in December. Seeing this perspective says that I am thinking like a glass half full person. I AM SCARED!!!!!!!!!

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