Friday, December 10, 2010

Day 173 - Dec. 10
Listening to: Christmas music
Thought for the day: I am here to take a stand against this bill. ~Bernie Sanders

I’m struggling with the 365 today. I really don’t have a picture to represent what consumed a large part of my thoughts and I’m stretching a little with my photo.

This photo is one of my favorites in my DuPont archives. It was taken in the 1940s. Though there is humor in the protest by these women, I’m sure they were serious. In a day and time 20+ years before women’s lib exploded, women had to fight hard for equality. We still fight today, but it’s a cake walk compared to the 40s. I wish I could tell these ladies having enough men at parties is still a problem today! For you married people………..and not that I’ve done this………..but the speed dating peeps are more likely to let a woman sign up if she brings a man!

I totally admire people who stand up and fight for what they believe. Today a senator from Vermont, Bernie Sanders, stood on his feet for 9 hours to filibuster President Obama’s attempt to renew tax cuts for the rich. Whether I agree with him or not is NOT the point I want to make here. Sanders showed a passion that I haven’t seen in awhile. It takes some kahunas to do what he did. Even if his efforts were in vein, I bet you there are thousands of people who had no clue who he was or what a filibuster is before today. If nothing else, the whole incident prompted me to learn more about the history of filibusters. Thanks Colonel Bernie, take the chicken out of Sanders, Sanders!

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