Monday, December 27, 2010

Day 156 - Dec. 27
Listening to: The Joker
Thought for today: Dear Virginia, yes Santa has to leave his trash behind because it won't fit in the sleigh!

Ahemmm…………THIS……………..this is an absolute NO NO in the world of Santa Claus believers! In fact, my suspicions about Santa began when my mom forgot to toss the box for my Velvet doll. Sidebar: any of ya’ll remember the Velvet and Crissy doll? They had grow-able hair sans any weave! My Velvet doll had beautiful long blond hair until I decided to take a purple magic marker and color it. I do believe the fumes from the marker prompted me to commit such a horror. Here's a retro commercial about Crissy and Velvet

Back to the box on the side of the street………… Despite my chagrin over this parental DON’T, I was pleased to see that children still receive wagons for Christmas.

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