Sunday, December 26, 2010

Day 158 - Dec. 25
Listening to: Walking in a Winter Wonder Land
Thought for today: The future lies before you, like paths of pure white snow. Be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

Today many of you carved a Christmas turkey/ham. My friend Rick was busy taunting me with his efforts to channel Julia Childs to prepare boeuf bourguignon. Meanwhile, the vegetable oil flowed freely in my house as I prepared the Krisditional salmon croquettes and fried okra. Merry Christmas me! No Julia needed for this dish! I can do this one without a chef possession.

We had our first white Christmas in 17 years. I don’t remember it snowing on Christmas in 1993! I think I will remember this one.

Why do we get so excited about a white Christmas? There is great debate about when Jesus was actually born. Some say he was born in the fall with snow an improbability. It does snow in that region and is not entirely an impossibility. All I know is that modern media has perpetuated the romantic notion of a white Christmas and magnified it exponentially.

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