Thursday, December 23, 2010

Day 160 - Dec. 23
Listening to: Chestnuts Roasting on An Open Fire
Thought for today: You know you're getting old, when Santa starts looking younger. ~Robert Paul

World! Meet my attic. Attic! Meet my world. This is the chimney in my attic. It jutted out of the roof top back in the day and was chopped off during the great renovation of 2000. Are you saying, “Kris you have a chimney but no fireplace?” I am telling you I have a chimney and no fireplace. The chimney was somehow used to heat the joint back in 1918. Coal was the source of heat. It’s beyond me why the builders (DuPont engineers) put a chimney in a house yet failed to put a hole in the wall for a fireplace. WTF 1918 DuPont engineers?!?!?! I personally think the Easter basket adds class to it.

So why am I rambling on and on about my chimney? TODAY I learned about the origination of tracking Santa Claus on radar on Christmas Eve. It’s fascinating. Sears & Roebuck gave out a number in 1955 for the general population to call to inquire about Santa’s location. They gave out the wrong number. They gave out the number to NORAD; thus, tracking Santa via radar was born.

Today’s revelation made me start thinking about my chopped off chimney and explaining to a child how Santa gets into a house without a fireplace. By the time I moved into this house, my children had stopped believing so I was spared. I think if I had grown up in this house I would have had panic attacks thinking Santa had tried to come down the fireplaceless chimney and disappeared forever! So if Santa doesn't show up at your house this year, let me know................ he may be at my house..............stuck for all eternity.

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