Sunday, December 26, 2010

Day 157 - Dec. 26
Listening to: Rambling Man
Thought for today: When life feeds you snow, make snowmen.

SWSM ISO SWSW who likes long walks in the woods, Air Supply, and sipping wine by the refrigerator light.

I recently discovered that my neighbors keep tabs on who is at my house. I have been informed that several of them participate in regular discussions about the absence of men, or anyone for that matter, coming and going from my house. I wonder what they’d do if I put a red light on my front porch? I might try it.

At times I am grateful the neighbors keep an eye on me. One of them calls me if my car becomes stagnant for any length of time………. which is nice. I do have a fear of dying and no one discovering my rotting corpse for weeks. Despite their watchfulness, I’m sure they find my behaviors curious. I’m sure they don’t know what to think of a woman who makes snow angels and snowmen in her yard. At least there is a man in my yard………………

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