Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day 165 - Dec. 18
Listening to: Silent Night
Thought for today: It is better to light a candle that to curse the darkness. ~Chinese Proverb

Candles. I love them. Oddly enough, Sixteen Candles was on TV today (a movie that makes me laugh ridiculously hard). Candles burn in every type of ceremony imaginable, lead the way when electricity fails us, squelch the stench in a room, and in my case serve as a substitute fireplace in a fireplaceless house. In this photo candles were used to memorialize and bring comfort to the living.

Tonight was the annual candle vigil at the cemetery near my house. I stopped by for a few minutes to pay my respects. The peace in this place was thick. It’s funny......... other times of the year I would think a cemetery creepy at night. Candle light changed the place. Not all of the candles were lit though which bothered me. I stood there for awhile thinking I should light some of the candles that were dark. I didn’t. I was more afraid of stealing the moments of the living than letting the dead know I cared.

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