Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day 177 - Dec. 4
Listening to: In the Mood
Thought for today: It’s never too late for faith.


As most of you know, everyone has been changing their profile photo on Facebook to a cartoon character to raise awareness for child abuse. One of my daughter's friends refused to change her photo and referred to the Facebook movement as “slacktivism.” I think she meant awareness does not beget action. Up until I saw her comments, I certainly had no plans to help. She challenged me.

Tonight, there was a big band benefit dance at my local community center to help raise money and take in toys for underprivileged children. I had not planned to go, but the thought of being a slacktivist bothered me. I saw an opportunity. Sure, this wasn’t exactly an abused children fundraiser, but it is a fact that poverty is the single best predictor of child abuse. Stress is another predictor. It doesn’t take an Einstein to know that parents are typically more stressed at Christmas than any other time. You get the picture. Yeah, my action to help tonight was teeny weeny, but I’m now challenged to do more. I will not be a slacktivist!

The funny part about tonight was that my intention was to go, pay my money, give my toy, say hi to a few friends, and leave! I meant to be out of there by 7:05 (it started at 7). I didn’t get home until 9:30. I had fun catching up with old friends. I even got to see Santa.

I have to give big props to Charles Hood for organizing this event, the Moonlighters for providing beautiful music, and Susan for her special treats. These people along with everyone who came out made a difference in the community tonight.

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