Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day 178 - Dec. 3
Listening to: Grownup Christmas List
Thought for today: The scent of fireplaces spewing their smoke into the night air taunts me in a horrible way.

I know you can’t tell what this picture is. I was going to skeech a photo off of someone else, but then I reminded myself that I did not embark on the 365 project to improve my photography skills.

So what is this picture? THIS, my friends, is the crescent moon and Venus at exactly 5:30 a.m. this morning. It is a barfo-quality pic, but the fact that both the moon and Venus (top speck of light) are so bright should provide a hint to how beautiful this site was.

I love the fab lab, Pearl, but I HAAAAAAAATE that I have to walk her in the dark every morning. It is so depressing and when it is cold enough to freeze boogers………. it is really depressing. This morning I was rewarded. The moment I rounded the corner and saw the moon and its companion planet I was reminded that the Earth does not rotate around me. It is amazing to me how Earth’s rotation and movement is crucial to human sustainability, yet, I rarely give its contribution props. I wonder how many people forsake such a simple idea. I’m glad I was given the chance to throw out love and gratitude to the universe this morning.

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