Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 167 - Dec. 16
Listening to: You Made Me So Verrrry Happy
Thought for today: I'm so glad you came into my life!

Today the DuPont maintenance shop opened its doors for retirees to come share a Christmas meal with those of us still enslaved by our own personal economies.

Last night, I lamented not having flash cards with pictures on them to review the names of the retired employees that would show up today. My name recall abilities are H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E! The good news is that several of them called me Kim. I was immediately at ease with my bad memory. I get called Kim a lot and I am not sure why. Is Kim easier to remember than Kris? I have a cousin named Kim and I doubt she ever gets called Kris.

Before we sat down for lunch, we said a prayer. I’ve bowed my head for several dinner blessings this week and I noticed something that made me giggle today. Every time someone said a dinner blessing, the blessor said “God” or “Lord” FIFTY MILLION TIMES…………God please bless this food Lord, please oh God watch over us, God we thank you for Jesus, Lord………. I do this when I pray too. Why? Only salesmen repeat a person’s name in a conversation. If I was having a face to face conversation with God I probably wouldn’t say His name once. God knows we’re talking to Him!

I have eaten too much this week. My fat feels fat.

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