Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 171 - Dec. 12
Listening to: the sound of desperate wheels spinning on black ice
Thought for the day: overwhelmed with gratitude for shelter, warmth, food...........the bare essentials.

First snow of the winter season! I don’t remember it snowing this much in Nashville this early. The snow has brought with it vicious winds laced with tiny daggers of cold. Mr. Freeze Meister IS IN THA HOUSE YA'LL!!!!

One of my favorite things about snow is watching Pearl, the Fab Lab, revert to puppy-like behavior. It’s as if all of the excitement of children living in the neighborhood has exploded into the universe and filled her heart. She runs around trying to eat every flake and acts like she thinks the ground is sprinkled with squirrel and cat-scented sugar. Her senses seem heightened and she disregards the cold. Today, she had to stop by every tree we passed to take squirrel inventory. I caught her at work in this photo.

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