Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 161 - Dec. 22
Listening to: Knock on Wood
Thought for today: Merry Christmas Eve, Eve, Eve

I love Christmas cards and am grateful my friends still have the discipline to send them. I bought cards to send this year, but they are still sitting on my kitchen table……… abandoned like a New Years diet.

Since the first soldier was sent to Iraq, there has been a plea for civilians to send Christmas cards to the troops. A few years ago I answered the plea and sent cards to soldiers to express my gratitude. I included my email in each card offering friendship. One soldier responded. We began communicating via instant message. Our discussions revolved around the simplicities of life. The relationship smacked of innocence. There was zero hint of romance or sex.

One night G.I. Christmas Soldier asked if I had a webcam................ He then asked if he could turn his webcam on. .........ummmmmmmm...........OK. No biggie. It was nice to see his face. We continued to talk over the next few days minus the web cam. He then asked if he could turn the webcam on again. When he did, there on my computer screen was a naked soldier in all of his God Blesssssssssssssss America glory. I was speechless. Talk about your Wikileaks!!!! I'm not sure what he expected from me. I think my silence embarrassed him because the next day he apologized for his GI shock and awe and said he was going on a secret mission. I never heard from him again.

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