Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 64 - March 29
Listening to: What if God Was One of Us
Thought for the day: If you must smoke, take your butt outside.

I am getting ready to share something that I'm not keen on talking about publicly. I feel like I have failed at protecting my daughter from something that could kill her. I think you’ll understand why I’m willing to talk about it today. So here goes................ Christian smokes. I've tried everything to get her to quit. Now that she is 18, I feel like all have left is prayer............. or inserting little explosives into her cigs any chance I get.

On the way to school this morning we stopped at a gas station. She got out of the car to smoke. A man in a truck next to us randomly rolled down his window and said to her very gently, "You do know those things will kill you right? I know it's tough to quit. It took me two years to do it, but I did and you can to." He smiled and then rolled his window up. That was that.

When she got back in the car, I said "if you ever wondered if God was in your life, you just saw him speak to you via a stranger." I'm sure she rolled her eyes. I didn't see it, but I felt it. My words were still hanging in the air when the song "What if God Was One of Us" came on the radio. I haven’t heard the song in months. I pointed out the god-incidence of it all to her. She laughed and said, " you know how many people tell me each week that I need to quit?" I just smiled. I'm glad there are a lot of people on the Get Christian to Stop Smoking Team.........including capital H-i-m.

Photo: a natural ash tray found in my yard. Yuck.

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