Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 86 - March 9
Listening to: Angels in the Architecture
Thought for the day: We speak the Queen’s English in this house! ~Rick Murphy

Rick and Sean. Father and Son. Teacher and Student. Murphy Stadium Ping Pong Champion and Runner Up. These guys are two of my favorite men on the entire freaking planet. I went to listen to Rick’s high school wind ensemble (Columbia Central High School) perform at the Middle Tennessee Band and Orchestra Concert Festival at MTSU today. Obviously, Sean is a member of the CCHS band. In addition to CCHS, I heard some excellent bands today! Congrats to all of them for achieving such a high level of excellence despite the reduced rehearsal time due to snow!

Rick is legendary for some of the stuff he has said and done as a teacher. I imagine some day Sean will have a copious amount of stories to tell his children about being a student of his father. I cannot imagine my Dad being my teacher. The only time that I assumed the roll of a student to him was when he tried to tutor me prior to an Algebra test in high school. His words of advice were, “Math is a language, you just have to know how speak it.” I made a 14 on the test…………. ME NO-A-SPEAK-DA-ALGEEEBRUHHH

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