Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 88 - March 7
Listening to: Cats in the Cradle
Thought for the day: I swear this will be my last toilet photo…………..I hope.

Guess who is home from college for Spring break? You know, I have sat through 10,000 hours of safety meetings at my work and NOT ONCE have we talked about the safety of men putting the seat down for their women folk. A potty seat up is a broken hip waitin' to happen. My son has forgotten all that I taught him. Sigh.

Tonight while I was walking Pearl, my neighbor and his son, Owen (~6 years old) were pulling out of their drive way. Owen rolled down his window and said, “hi Kris! My mom fixed my hair. She parted it on the side. Do I look handsome?” I said, “Yes, Owen, you do,” smiling so hard it hurt. I could just imagine his mom licking her palm and slicking his hair back. He then said with 2 tons of uranium boy energy, “Me and My Dad are having a boys night out!” I said, “COOL!” As Owen and his dad drove off I wish I would have told Owen that I too got to have a boy’s night with my son……………and then reminded him to always, always, ALWAYS put the seat down when done pottying.

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