Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 81 - March 14
Listening to: Born This Way
Thought for the day: Happy Spring Break Ya'll!

You should know Bo by now. Today is his EIGHTH appearance in my 365. If you want to know why Bo is a 365 ho, see day 218, 290, 248, 246, 187, 131, or 116.

You should also know George Clooney. RAWR. I welcome him to the 365 with my entire being even if he does have a girlfriend who's smart, skinny and disgustingly beautiful.

Yesterday, Bo asked me to create a doctored Spring Break photo for his Facebook profile. When I asked him what he had in mind, he told me to use my sense of humor. If you ever wondered what kind of sense of humor I have, the Bo assignment is a perfect illustration of Kris humor.

I think I did George a favor by putting Bo's face in his place. George is hot and all, but I prefer seeing him in suits/tuxs.

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