Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 68 - March 25
Listening to: Moonlight Feels Right (heard it in Kroger – elevator style –giggling as I listen to it on Youtube right now
Thought for the day: Why oh, oh why, oh why do I NOT HAVE A FIREPLACE? @A*$% !!!!

Note: The coworkers mentioned are all men. Their names are withheld for obvious reasons.

Before I left for California, I got myself a real professional ped-eee-cure. My toes looked good…………… so good that I wore sandals to work when I returned on Wednesday (it was still warm).

As I was making my rounds to say hello to everyone, I stepped boldly into Coworker #1’s office. Without hesitation, he said, “KB – YOUR TOES ARE BEAUTIFUL.” I giggled and made some negative comment in attempt to negate his compliment.

Five minutes later I bumped into Coworker #2 in the hallway. “KBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE………….
woahhh………….look at your toes.”

Today, I ran into both Coworker #1 and #2 co-mingling in Coworker #1’s office. The topic of my pampered feet was mentioned, so I asked: “DO GUYS, in general, HAVE FEET FETISHES………… or are you two coincidentally just freaky feet fetishy?” Coworker #1 said, “I don’t know, let’s go ask Coworker #3.” So we walked across the hall to Coworker #3’s office.

Coworker #1: “Do you like women with painted toenails?”
Coworker #3: “Why yes, yes I do.”
Coworker #1: “Why?”
Coworker #3: “When a woman takes care of her toes/feet, it’s usually a good indicator that she takes really good care of the rest of her body.”

There you have it! No fetish, just logic. Three out of three men surveyed like it when women get pedicures. PEDICURE AWAY YEE WOMEN!!!!

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