Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 72 - March 21
Listening to: Dancing Queen
Thought for the day: Big sigh................HOME!

Last night at Jon and Liz’s wedding reception, my dad asked me to dance. I said, “No.” He looked at me as if I had a third eye. It was too loud in the room for me to explain to him that despite having 15 years of ballet training, I’m fairly certain that I am in possession of the molecular DNA known as “50s-era white kid banned from watching Elvis shake his hips because it is evil.” Kris lost her groove…………..not sure Kris ever had a groove. It is what it is.

Not accepting defeat, my dad asked Christian to dance. With no shame in her game, Christian quickly accepted his invitation. I cannot tell you how awesome it was to see my daughter dancing with her Grandfather. They just don’t get to spend much time together. When they returned to our table I asked Christian what she thought of his dancing. She said, “Granddad Jim has MOVES.”

Being persistent my dad and Christian eventually convinced me to dance with them. At some point I decided I didn't need groove to have fun with my family.

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