Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 91 - March 4
Listening to: Ballroom Blitz
Thought for the day: It becomes increasingly easy, as you get older, to drown in nostalgia. ~Ted Koppel

Lunch boxes were a HUGE deal to me when I was a child. In my mind they were a status symbol and key to being a part of the popular crowd. Carry the wrong lunch box and you were banished to the loser lunch table…………..or so I thought.

I started thinking about lunch boxes today when my friend Lynn mentioned the cast of Welcome Back Kotter would reunite for a TV Land award show. I immediately thought of the Welcome Back Kotter lunch box. Two of the most popular girls in school carried this lunch box. I would follow their example at some point and own the box myself.

During lunch break, I hopped on Ebay to see if I could find my first lunch box. My search ended up in me eating a pound of nostalgia for lunch.

Photo 1
This lunch box might as well have been a high dollar designer hand bag to me. It was my brother’s lunch box and the first lunch box to whisper to me, “You need to carry me to be popular.” I drooled over this piece of tin………..AT AGE 5 (it’s freaky that I’m not into expensive purses at my advanced age)!!!!! My brother was kind enough to let me borrow it a time or two.

Photo 2
TA DA!!! This was my first lunch box. It was given to me on my 6th birthday gift. I squealed when I found it on Ebay and of course I threw a bid on it. I’m not sure what I will do with it if I win the bid. Maybe it’ll gain me some new popular friends if I carry it around with me. I absolutely LOVED this lunch box.

Photo 3
THE Welcome Back Kotter lunch box…………….aka the popular people magnet lunch box.

Photo 4
You KNOW I owned a lunch box with a dog on it. I even had a Snoopy lunch box at one point. This lunch box was one I threw a tantrum for in the store. I experienced tantrum regret afterward as the popular crowd didn’t seemed impressed by my choice………… my mind anyway. No one probably cared.

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