Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 79 March 16
Listening to: my family talking over a spot of tea
Thought for the day: RIP Kenny Hull. The world is a better place because of you. ♥ :-(

I spent today in airports and on a plane. The experience brought out the raging control freak in me. Before you think I have control issues because I’m not the one driving the plane, stop. Not being the pilot IS on the list of things that torque me, but it is way down on my “I NEED TO BE IN CONTROL” list. The number one airport/airplane control freak issue for me is what I refer to as pee panic. Basically, I’m terrified of being on the plane (or anywhere else for that matter) and not being able to go pee pee. I peed five times before getting on the plane.

The funniest part of today’s story is what I saw once I parked my empty bladder in a seat. I eye-eves dropped on the laptop of a passenger sitting near me. He was working on a presentation about urinary incontinence. I started to ask him for therapy, but reminded myself I can hold it………..I just don’t think I can. I kept quiet and buried my head in book.

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