Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 76 – March 17
Listening to: Looks Like We Made It (a side of Barry Manilow with my lunch)
Thought for the day: May the hinges of our friendship never grow rusty. ~Irish Toast

Christian, my daughter, put on the shield of bravery and made the trip to California with me leaving behind her friends for Spring Break. I’ve known my daughter for 18 years and 9 months. The last time I spent this much time with her without her brother present was 18 years ago when she was in the womb.

Today we went to San Juan Capistrano Mission, a Spanish Catholic mission founded on All Saints Day in 1776. The mission was home to a ginormous stone church that was destroyed by an earthquake in 1812. Ruins of the church are all that remain. I was terrified Christian was going to be bored. At first, my fears seemed justified, but when we entered what would have been the nave of the great stone church she became engrossed, grabbed my camera, and started taking photos. I realized at that moment that I have no idea what my daughter finds interesting. I'm grateful for an opportunity to learn.

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