Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 71 - March 22
Listening to: Back to Life, Back to Reality
Thought for the day: Everything existing in the universe is the fruit of chance and necessity. ~Democritus

The plural form of the word breakfast is breakfasts. Do I always have to agree with Mr. Grammar? Breakfastses is more apropos to me when it comes to talking about breakfastsES at my Dad's house. This photo shows what his breakfastES looked like. Every morning we had home made bread, fresh fruit, and my Aunt Martha’s pear preserves. It tasted as good as it looked. I suppose if it had tasted like kitty poo Roca at least I could have bragged about the visual appeal of breaking my fast. Now that I am home, breakfast has lost its color in more ways than one. Breakfasts at my house are just es. :-(

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