Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 73 - March 20
Listening to: The Rainbow Connection
Thought for the day: Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. ~The Skin Horse in the Velveteen Rabbit

When my little brother was in his late teens, he adopted the “I’m of age I can self-destruct if I want” mantra. I think he was a card carrying member of similar named teenager union………..he may have even been president. The rest of my family sat back, chewed nails, worried, worried, and worried. We thought he might be lost for good. Then, he met Liz. LIZ……the daughter of a Rock of Gibraltar-type family, Gates scholar (yes she dined with Bill), and graduate of Cambridge. At first, we were all like, “pfffth, yeah…….this won’t last.” But it did. Then Jon started to change. He became motivated. He grew up. He ditched the stupidity of youth. I credot Liz for the metamorphosis.

Tonight, Jon and Liz married. My only regret about their marriage is that I don’t live closer. I absolutely adore the woman my brother married and am beyond happy to welcome her into my family!!! Congratulations Jon and Liz! I love you both beyond words!!!

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