Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 70 - March 23
Listening to: You’ve Got a Hold on Me
Thought for the day: “Some of my best leading men have been dogs and horses.” ~ Elizabeth Taylor

If you fry or put cheese on just about anything, I’ll eat it. So, my confidence was high when the Wednesday Night Dinner Club announced a place called Cheddar’s Casual Cafe as this week’s pick.

Feeling a bit Petunia piggish after my recent bountiful food experience in California, I ordered the Grilled Tilapia with Mango Salsa. I gave it 4 fins out of 5. My only complaint was that the dish screamed for more mango salsa. My friend Nic ordered the chicken tenders. He gave me one. I ate half of it at the restaurant and brought the other half home. These chicken tenders deserve some kind of chickenmongous-yummy award. Holy Chicken! I’m trying my best to not go back to the refrigerator right now and scarf down the other half (I peeped at it to get the picture - it tried to lure me).

Though good, Cheddar’s food was not what I will remember about the loss of my Cheddar’s virginity. When I opened the menu, I had to do a visual check of everyone’s hair. I was specifically looking for mall hair. Why? The menu prices were circa 1980s. In other words their menu prices were CHEAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP.

Definitely recommend this place as a family-gotta-go place.

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