Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 83 - March 12
Listening to: Green Tambourine
Thought for the day: I always wanted to be Tracy (who played the tambourine) on Partridge Family. What does that say about me?

I’ve helped clean up tornado and flood damage and in both instances I thought nothing could be worse. Then, the earthquake/tsunami happened in Japan on Friday. How do you clean something like that up?

I recently watched the movie 2012 and it is difficult not to think about that movie in conjunction to what happened in Japan. With the country moving 8 feet and the Earth’s axis changing, were the Mayans right? What if the change is gradual and not an overnight 12/21/12 thang? I will be in California next week and I pray California doesn’t decide to migrate to Mexico while I’m there.

Anyway, seeing houses swept away by a massive wall of water has put a lot of things in perspective for me. Suddenly the ordinary seems extraordinary. Suddenly house needs seem Trivial……..yes that is Trivial with a capital T. Probably for the first time in the history of Kris, housecleaning was joyful today.

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