Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 87 - March 8
Listening to: Afternoon Delight
Thought for the day: Mardi Gras is French for "Fat Tuesday,” or commit mass gluttony on whatever it is you plan to give up the next 40 days!

Happy Fat Tuesday! My neighbors are in the Mardi Gras spirit. This particular neighbor’s house is one of the houses in the hood that causes covet mayhem in my brain and heart. I plan to give up coveting for Lent…………….maybe. I coveted hard today.

In other Mardi Gras-related news: A coworker brought a king cake to work today. The festive cake was eaten faster than a Tootsie Roll sitting on my desk. It was eaten so fast that no one knows who found the baby…………….which means…………….it is entirely possible the baby was swallowed. Talk about your “I went to the bathroom and a baby fell out” story! Just imagine!

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