Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 93 - March 2
Listening to: They Say It’s Your Birthday
Thought for the day: A truly rich man is one whose children run into his arms when his hands are empty. ~Author Unknown

As many of you know, today is my Dad’s birthday. He is 71. I have to tell a Dad story in my 365 to honor the day.

When I was little, I would run like a banshee to greet my Dad every day when he came home from work. It was always a happy occasion………….well almost always. He made such a big deal out of it. He’d pick me up and give me a big hug. One day, the whole routine unfolded a little too quickly. My dad, being the nerdy professor physicist that he is always had pencils in his shirt pocket (note all of the crap in his pocket in the photo…hee hee hee). On this particularly day, one of the pencils in his pocket, stabbed me. The lead sunk into my arm like an anchor on the sea bed. I screamed. He comforted. Our lives would change forever. From that point forward, the afternoon greeting changed. Though there was no less love in the greeting, it became cautious and more methodical.

The lead is still in my arm and is very visible. You would think this would be an incident I would want to forget, but it isn’t. Sometimes the good outshines the bad. I loved those afternoon greetings and I treasure the tiny spec of blue in my arm that indicates where the lead lives. It is a constant reminder of my Dad.

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