Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 82 - March 13
Listening to: The Living Years
Thought for the day: Zombies make great pets. They already know how to play dead!

Behold! The Living Lettuce! I can only afford dead lettuce, so I am not sure how tasty this is. Living lettuce is hydroponically grown in a greenhouse, is pesticide free, and is packed with its roots so that it will stay fresh for a month.

Using “living” in front of any word is funny. Zombies probably use "dead" in front of the same words.

Living room - a place where the family gathers to watch TV and play Wii
Dead room - a place where zombies gather to snack on brain fritters and play pin the flesh on the corpse
Living will - a legal document that a person uses to make their wishes known regarding life prolonging medical treatments
Dead will - a legal document that guarantees that a zombie will rise from the grave and walk amongst the living
Living trust – a trust that you create while you're alive, rather than one that is created at your death
Dead trust – What a zombie writes when he really means Trust Deed (deed of trust). Zombies are dyslexic.
Living large - ability to pay for and enjoy a very expensive style of living
Living dead – Zombies, or college students, at Waffle House – brains scattered, covered, and smothered…………’nuff said.

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