Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 94 - March 1
Listening to: American Idol
Thought for the day: I am suffering from a SEVERE case of Charlie Sheen fatigue.

Notice anything odd in this picture? The shirt hanging from the ceiling halted me in my tracks when I walked into my employer’s maintenance shop today. I stood mesmerized for several minutes contemplating the meaning. Was it a sign? As my mind was reaching a conclusion that maybe it was just a good place for someone who has been doused with water (as is prone to happen at my work) to dry a shirt, one of the mechanics explained. First off, the mechanics wear uniforms. One of the mechanics, I will call him Havier to protect his innocence, temporarily took a “desk” job last month. Desk job = no uniform. So, the other mechanics “retired” Havier’s uniform and hung it from the ceiling ………...just like the pro athletes do. They are so clever.

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